Memories- Five audience members merely think of memories from their past, the mentalist divines them in detail. At no time do the audience members write down their thoughts or speak them to anyone.
Key-Know Revisited- A streamlined handling of T.A. Waters under-appreciated gem, Key-Know, along with a powerful presentation.
Paintball Roulette- A fun and suspenseful Russian Roulette with ungimmicked paintball guns. A staple of Christopher’s College shows for many years.
The Story of Jack Spade, New Age Detective- Not mentalism, but mentalism adjacent. A mind-reader’s take on the classic story deck, Diamond Jack.
Telepathy in the Parlor- A startling telepathic routine involving the entire audience. One audience member chooses a single individual from among the entire audience whose mind the mentalist should read. The mentalist then reveals that person’s innermost thoughts, and finally reveals that he had predicted exactly who would be selected to be his target.
GeoPsycho- A drawing duplication in which the drawing is never written down. It exists only in the mind of the spectator, yet the mentalist duplicates the thought-of drawing.